Wednesday, September 23, 2009

When it all comes back !!!

The past of a person never leaves him. In fact, it is one of the most important character building component of life. For example the planet earth cannot be described without life, a person's outlook, thoughts and actions are always related to his/her past life. These experiences never leave the person who is affected by the action - directly or indirectly.
About five years back such an incident happened that influenced many voluntary and even involuntary decisions of my life. All that happened was that someone very close to me had simply decided to walk out of my life. As stupid and insignificant it may seem today, it really drove me into the pits of self pity and self loathing. Loneliness became my favorite companion and empty rooms became my abode. Everything in my life was affected-my studies, family, friends. It completely changed the impression people had about me. I continued to live in the state for many years. It was miserable.
However in college it did take me some time but the new place and people made me feel better. Slowly I got over and became a whole new person. Life had turned pleasant and it was actually fun living it. An introvert now actually had the capability to speak out out his mind in front of a crowd of thousands. It seemed everything was back on track.
Although there was always a part of me that still thought about those times, I had never felt so lively before. But as Chetan Bhagat says "Life screws you exactly at that point when you think you figured it all out " , that person came back into my life. Like the water from a collapsed dam all the feelings for that person came rushing back. Logic of the brain said to stay away from the possible thunder storm that could possibly shake the foundations of my very existence on this planet. But voice of logic was a mere whisper compared to the cries that were echoing inside my head. Cries that pushed me towards the possible thunderstorm. Everything else tried stopping me from taking the step, but in the end it really did not matter for everything that i had valued had come back.Back from the past that can never leave a person....

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The attraction between Mars and Venus

"Men are from Mars and women are from Venus"
-John Gray
Now days the above line has sort of become a cliche. And their is no reason why it should not. As all of us are aware that men and women are fundamentally different in many areas - right from the body structure to even emotional reactions. But, this does not mean that they are two completely different species. They in fact form the two important elements of roller coaster journey called life.

In almost all spheres you will find that every human, male of female, to a large extent is affected by the opposite sex. Look back in history - Jawaharlal Nehru was greatly "influenced" by lady Edwina Cynthia Annette Ashley, the wife of Lord Mounbatten, the last viceroy of India. It is also speculated that Lord Mountbatten took advantage of this "relation" to actually influence many decisions taken by Nehru. Even the fairy tale story of Narayan Murthy, the CEO of Infosys, can never be told without the invaluable contribution of his wife, Sudha Murthy. Even Hillary Clinton would not have chosen a career in international politics , had it not been for her husband, the former President Bill Clinton.

In more than may ways it seems that the two sexes were actually built to complete each other. While men are considered physically strong women on the other hand have an advantage at handling emotionally challenged situations naturally. Although difference between them exist, and they even curse each other, it is very natural for them to fall for each other.